Black and Brown

Last night I finally cried. I cried because of everything I’ve been seeing and reading lately. My fiancee  and I tried our best to stay positive. But the weight is unbearable 💔 After waking up to horrible news about two black men killed within two days, my heart ached. It aches for them. It achesContinue reading “Black and Brown”

4th of July and woke.

“Happy white peoples Independence Day. The slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks”- Chris Rock. They gained their independence while they stripped theirs of ours. Some of us are not free. Celebrating this day erases indigenous peoples and the sovereign nations they have been citizens of since before white settlers colonized these lands.Continue reading “4th of July and woke.”

Latinx Privilege 

I am Brought up by Mexican immigrant parents and was born and raised in the US. Growing up, I knew I was a little different than my Latinx familia. I remember my dad explaining to my 10 year old self that my cousins are Mexican and that me and my sister are Mexican-American. I wasContinue reading “Latinx Privilege “